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  • Be it onto you as you believe 
  • Love thy neighbor as thyself
  • Love the Lord with all thine heart
  • As a Man thinks in his heart so is he 
  • I am that I am
  • Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind 
  • Surely as I have thought so shall it be 
  • Cast out the Motte in thy own eye then you clearly see the Motte in your brothers eye
  • Death and life in the tongue, speak life
  • In the beginning(awareness) was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh. - Deuteronomy 30:11-20

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I want to welcome you for being chosen to be a citizen of this great community. We are driven to provide an understanding of God's spiritual laws of living. Our purpose is to assist you in building self-awareness, self-image, and self-belief to find your purpose, express your divine nature, overcome circumstances, and become successful.

Reflecting God's Image in Everything We Do


Telephone: Jermaine Harp  |  478-342-1522 
